If you are running a website, regardless of whether you have this website in order to promote your small business, or in order to try to make money through search engine marketing, there is a good chance that you will be putting a fair amount of emphasis on getting people to your site - using search engine optimization and other creative efforts in order to do so - but another thing that will be important to realize is the fact that just because people show up on your site does not necessarily mean they will stay!
Design: Even though this makes very little sense when considering the fact that people did not come to your site for the design, but instead came because they input a search in a search engine and your site showed up, this is still the first thing most visitors will notice; the design of your site does not have to be perfect, but if you do a poor job with your design - to where it bothers visitors - they are likely to leave right away! Relevance: As long as your design has not caused your visitors to immediately disappear, the next thing they are likely to pay attention to is exactly how relevant the content is to the search they showed up because of; this means that it will be important for you to know what your primary keywords are on each page, as this will enable you to make sure your content will be relevant to the searches that bring people to you.
Quality: And of course, a good design and relevant content will not be able to rescue content that is of a low level of quality - so work hard to keep your focus on this final aspect of your site in order to keep people around, and to make money in the long run!
As you build your website, in addition to your efforts to bring traffic your way, make sure you are paying attention to these important elements, and in the long run, you will achieve the success you desire!
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