Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is A Business Degree The Most Valuable Degree For Me?

If you will be heading off to your first semester of college this upcoming fall - or if you are already in college and are trying to decide what you want to major in - one of the degrees that will probably stand out to you as a 'good, solid choice' is a business degree. After all, 'business' covers so many areas, and even if you do not know what you want to do after college, a business degree has a pretty good ahnce of helping you get there - right?

Actually, as it turns out, as business degree might not be as valuable as it once was - and here is why.

Over the years, Business has grown into the major that students tend to choose when they do not quite know what they would like to do after school, and in addition to there already being lots of people interested in business, this creates a situation where large numbers of students are in every single class. Because the professors who teach these classes teach several classes each week - and because all of these classes have a large number of students - these professors are unlikely to hand out any "writing" assignments that are terribly difficult; which has been proven lately to be a mistake, as companies are looking to hire employees who know how to write!

If you have a genuine interest in business, a business degree can certainly still be valuable - but you should seriously consider pairing your business degree with a degree in another area of study that will require you to do a lot of writing in order to obtain a degree. Even though such majors as English, History, or Philosophy have long been seen as degrees that do not have much practical application in "the real world," the starting income for those who have such degrees is actually higher these days than for those with business degrees - which is certainly something for you to keep in mind!

How to Successfully Grow Your Small Business

It can be very difficult for many people to run their own new small business. The first two years are critical for the survival of any new business. Make sure that you have all the tools you need to succeed, considering this statistic, when you start a new small business. A great new book for small business owners is Small Business for Dummies by Jim Schell and Eric Tyson. If you want to start off your small business successfully reading this book will definitely help you out.

Many of the main issues owners face are dealt with in this book since it is such a comprehensive guide for businesses. Figuring out the costs involved with your business is the best place to start. Not accurately forecasting the costs of running a business will cause many of them to be unsuccessful. Another important topic it covers is what legal issues you could face. Should you incorporate? Should you become a limited liability corporation? This book will help you to decide.

Planning for the future is the next step for a business that is already having initial success. Expansion of your business is a topic Small Business for Dummies helps you with planning. The last thing you want to do is fail because you didn’t accurately plan for your future. Get the word out on your small business by using a comprehensive marketing plan in order to start planning ahead.

Obviously you have a drive and passion to own your own business. Be sure that you have all the information you need to make it a success. Although you are starting small, your business can eventually become something much bigger. You may be holding some original and never heard of ideas for a product or service. Yet if you don’t execute them in the right way, your forte could end up resulting in failure. Don’t take a chance and seek some expert advice from the writers of Small Business for Dummies.

Small Business For Dummies

A Look At Simple SEO Tricks You Can Apply Right Away

When you are running a website and are trying to boost the amount of traffic that is coming your way, you will probably be looking to take advantage of all the great things you can do with search engine optimization - but one issue with applying search engine optimization to a website that is already up and running (and in fact, one thing that can cause people to never end up applying SEO to their website at all!) is the fact that it can sometimes take a little while for the SEO tricks you are applying to make a difference, and because of this, it is valuable to know a few SEO tricks you can apply right away, for quicker results.

One reason many people feel that what they are doing with SEO is not working is because they are not getting enough clicks when people find them on search engines, even when their links are high in search engine rankings; in order to prevent this from being the case for you, make sure you use the titles of your posts in such a way that they will implore people to click on them, as this will help you to get a lot more people to visit your website.

You will also want to start deciding before you add new content what keywords you want to focus on - and then, you will want to apply these keywords as often as possible as you write the article; rather than just putting random content on your site with no strategy behind it, you can do a lot more if you make sure that your content is both focused and rich with keywords.

And if you want to increase traffic on your website, one of the best ways to do so - not just because it will help you to climb higher in search engine rankings, but also because it will generate more traffic on its own - is to get others to link to your site from their websites; this will stir up more people who know that your site exists, and will help you to climb higher in search engine rankings.

Keep all these tips in mind as you work to improve the visibility of your website, and you will soon find that you are achieving a lot more success with your website than you were achieving before!

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Is Google Dying?

If you are getting started for the first time with search engine marketing, or if you have a small business that is fairly new, and you are just setting up your website, one thing you may hear from people is that you should focus on your online efforts on social media because "search" (or, because Google) is dying; this belief is still somewhat quiet, but because of the popularity of social media, this belief has been growing, and in order to understand the facts surrounding this belief, it will be helpful to look at some related statistics.
When it comes to the question of whether or not search is dying, one of the first things you should understand is the number of people who use search on a daily basis; while there are about 65 percent of Internet users who use social media (which is a very high number, to be sure), an average of 92 percent of Internet users use search engines - every single day!
On top of the fact that so many people use search every single day (which, of course, is a number that is so high it is unlikely to increase any more), the number of actual searches conducted on a daily basis continues to grow; last year, the average number of searches conducted each day was an incredible three billion - and this number continues to grow each year!

And if all these things do not do enough to strengthen your resolve in the fundamental importance of search engine optimization, and in the continuing strength of search, one final thing that is interesting to note is that Google's natural growth rate is 18 to 19 percent per year; this is the overall growth Google experiences even without changing anything, improving anything, or coming up with any new innovations - all of which, of course, are things that Google does each year!
The idea that you should sink some of your focus into social media certainly has plenty of merit, as social media is extremely popular online, but you should also realize that search is alive and well - and search engine optimization will be your best bet for online success!